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    About Us

    Go figure!

    A boy born and raised in Homewood, Alabama winds up at the University of Georgia and a girl born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia winds up at the University of Alabama. And they are Dad and Daughter.

    That recipe makes for some interesting rooting conflicts for football. When you add in everything else they like to do, which includes cooking, about every sport known to man (or woman) and a lot of other stuff, you get a pretty dynamic and competitive relationship.

    We knew this could be a problem when late one Saturday night, in her freshman year, Daughter pointedly texted Dad after an unbelievable series of events on November 17, 2012 let Alabama vault back into the hunt for a spot in the BCS Championship Game, “Dad, Bama has a chance! I’m going to need those 4 SEC Championship game tix you have.”

    Despite Dad having gone to Georgia, Bama’s opponent.

    That’s just how Alabama fans are.

    So, what is this Food, Football & Everything Else all about?

    We love Food and cooking it, having other people cook it, and sharing it. And we love Football, especially NCAA football. And we love a lot of other stuff, Everything Else.

    On the other side of love, we hate that almost every food blog is really a “me” blog chocked full of one penny a click ads. What you see in the first few paragraphs above is about all you’ll hear about our lives because that has nothing to do with Food, Football and Everything Else. And we promise that we will minimize ads including having none on the home page. This isn’t about making money, although we don’t want to lose money either!

    You’ll get the recipes up front here. No endless plowing through paragraphs of mindless babble so they can push ad after ad for hair replacement doctors and the new American vegetable, Kraft macaroni and cheese.

    But opinions you will get, from us and our contributors. And we hope you will chime in, too, by using our “Your Ideas” option. Tell us what you’re doing, what you think, and why you think it.

    This is not a lifestyle blog.

    If you like Food and Football, that’s our style. And Everything Else.


    And here’s the toughest decision so far. But this is what we came up with:

    Roll Dogs! Go Tide!